jeudi 21 avril 2011

Libye et gestion américaine: It's a mess...

Frictions entre la Maison blanche et le Pentagone au sujet de la gestion de l'intervention militaire en Libye. Civils contre militaires, un choc de cultures!

As in previous administrations, much of the problem lies in the friction between civilians working in the White House and military officers and Defense Department civilians working across the Potomac River in the Pentagon. Senior officials describe the predicament as a "culture clash." The miscommunications and misunderstandings between the groups cause frustration and anger, which sometimes even leads to policy paralysis, officials say.

One recent example of this dynamic at work is the Obama administration's tentative, half-way intervention in the Libyan uprising.

"It's a mess," lamented a senior U.S. official. Washington took the bold step of committing military force, but not enough to win. The administration waited to apply very limited military force until it was almost too late, and now, the official says, it has painted the U.S. "into a corner." In the resulting stalemate, Libyan rebels and civilians are being ruthlessly pursued and killed while the United States, in effect, stands helplessly by.

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