jeudi 15 décembre 2011

G.O.P we've got a problem...

On'aime toujours pas Mitt Romney, mais on craint encore plus une réelle percée de Newt Gingrich!

"The nation’s leading conservative publications are lining up to bash Newt Gingrich, even while they keep their distance from his top rival Mitt Romney.

The National Review, the movement’s flagship publication for decades, came out with a stinging editorial titled “Winnowing The Field” on Wednesday in which they essentially endorsed anyone but Gingrich, warning that his nomination would be a general election disaster.

“His character flaws — his impulsiveness, his grandiosity, his weakness for half-baked (and not especially conservative) ideas — made him a poor Speaker of the House,” they wrote. “Again and again he combined incendiary rhetoric with irresolute action, bringing Republicans all the political costs of a hardline position without actually taking one.”
The editorial mentions in passing that they’re not fans of Rick Perry or Ron Paul either, but the editors barely touched on any candidate’s individual qualifications, making clear that their primary goal is simply stopping Gingrich at all costs. They even ended with a dig at his infidelity.

“We will render further judgments in the weeks to come as the candidates continue to make their cases and are, just perhaps, joined by new candidates,” they wrote. “At the moment we think it important to urge Republicans to have the good sense to reject a hasty marriage to Gingrich, which would risk dissolving in acrimony.”

The same day, the Washington Examiner endorsed Romney, which was somewhat of a shock given that several of its columnists have been extremely critical. Recently, the candidate faced a tough line of questions at a meeting with their editorial board."

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