samedi 3 décembre 2011

Huntsman: pas assez partisan?

Depuis le début de la course chez les républicains, je ne cache pas ma préférence pour Jon Huntsman. Sa candidature ne soulève pas les passions et il semble incapable de maintenir l'attention des médias. En supposant que les médias puissent accorder plus de temps à sa campagne, Hunstman aurait à gérer un autre "problème". Est-il assez républicain, assez à droite? Comme Romney il pourrait plaire à un électorat plus vaste et séduire les indécis, mais il doit d'bord s'imposer au sein d'un parti grandement influencé par ses éléments plus radicaux.

"He's a motorcycle-riding Mormon who speaks fluent Mandarin, a soft-spoken father of seven with eclectic political connections.
Jon Huntsman is a former two-term Republican Utah governor and former ambassador to China for President Barack Obama, whom he once described as a remarkable leader.
Therein lies a primary problem.
"I think the problem isn't so much that he served as ambassador but that he just gushed over policies that made no sense," said former New Hampshire Gov. John H. Sununu, who has been supportive of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign.
As Huntsman officially launches his campaign, his former colleagues on Team Obama want to hug him to death.
"When we were in Shanghai, we got a chance to talk and he was very effusive -- this was in the fall of 2009 (during Obama's visit to China) -- about what the president was doing," said David Axelrod, Obama's top political consultant. "He was encouraging on health care; he was encouraging on the whole range of issues.""

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