jeudi 15 décembre 2011

Irak: fin de l'intervention américaine

Pas de célébrations, de cris ou d'effusions de joie. Un départ plutôt discret.

"No senior Iraqi government officials showed up, though the name tags attached to two chairs in the front row indicated American hopes that they might. One was labeled for Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the other for President Jalal Talabani.

For Iraqis too, it was an ambivalent conclusion to the upheaval of the past eight years, which has transformed their country beyond recognition but not, in the eyes of many, significantly improved their lives.

Iraqis interviewed on the streets of Baghdad said they were glad American troops were going home, but some also seemed unsure whether Iraq’s fragile political consensus would survive the departure of the Americans.

“Sooner or later, the American flag had to be taken down because it is unacceptable to live under in the shadow of their flag,” said businessman Qais al-Lami, 39. “So I’m happy they’re leaving because they are occupiers.

“But also I’m not happy, because now all the political parties and the militias will become more aggressive in asserting their power, and the security situation could get worse.”"

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