mercredi 8 février 2012

Attaquer Clint Eastwood et la pub de Chrysler au Super Bowl: mauvaise idée

Je suis plutôt en accord avec l'interprétation de Ruben Navarrette Jr sur CNN.

 "It's a good, strong ad. But did you hear the political message? No? Me neither. All I heard was an upbeat message slickly produced and expertly delivered. Which raises the question: Even in a presidential election year, does every single thing have to be about politics? For Rove, the answer seems to be "yes." He told Fox News that he was "offended" by the ad, which he said was an example of "what happens when you have Chicago-style politics." Give me a break. It's OK to not be impressed with the resurrection of the Motor City. But do you then have to respond by attacking the Windy City?"

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