vendredi 3 février 2012

Brian Sandoval le colistier de Mitt Romney?

Le Gouverneur du Nevada présente plusieurs forces, mais il est également considéré comme un modéré...

 "Nevada’s governor Brian Sandoval has been bandied about as a potential — if longshot — veep choice since his election in 2010. On paper, his resume looks solid. He’s a young rising star in the party with strong approval ratings and, as a Hispanic Republican, could help a Republican nominee — and especially Romney — stop the bleeding with one of the party’s weakest general election demographics.

Sandoval came up as state Attorney General and was liked enough by Harry Reid that he recommended him to President Bush as a US district judge, where he served for four years. Sandoval repaid the favor by destroying Reid’s son Rory in the 2010 gubernatorial race, a consolation prize for national Republicans devastated by Sharron Angle’s failure to defeat the elder Reid that same year.

 Sandoval endorsed Rick Perry for 2012 and has sat out the presidential race since his favored candidate dropped out last month, but Romney gave him a friendly shout out in the last Republican debate when asked if he’d appoint a Hispanic cabinet member.%% Still, Nevada Democrats and Republicans alike that I talked to were skeptical of whether he could work on a Romney ticket. And mostly for the same reason — he and Romney might just be too alike to satisfy the base.

 “Another moderate governor with good hair — it doesn’t make sense to balance Romney that way,” one union activist told me."

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