samedi 4 février 2012

Susan G. Komen for the Cure: renversement de situation

Caricature de Bill Day, Cagle Cartoons.

 La fondation Susan G. Komen (lutte contre le cancer du sein)avait soulevé toute une controverse cette semaine en annonçant qu'elle ne financerait plus l'organisation Planned parenthood pour le dépistage du cancer du sein. Plusieurs observateurs ont affirmé que le geste était attribuable au fait que Planned parenthood offre des services liés à la limitation volontaire des naissances. On concluait à un geste politique et les réactions ont été instantanées et virulentes. La fondation décide maintenant de faire marche arrière et de revenir sur sa décision.

 "“We want to apologize to the American public for recent decisions that cast doubt upon our commitment to our mission of saving women’s lives,” Ms. Brinker said in a statement.

 The group’s leaders first sought to hold their ground. On Thursday, they tried to communicate their message directly to supporters with a video from Ms. Brinker on YouTube, with posts on Facebook and with Twitter messages and interviews with reporters.

But longtime supporters, corporate sponsors and scientific and medical professionals with ties to Komen were growing increasingly concerned. The online drumbeat became impossible to ignore. And it wasn’t just abortion rights activists denouncing Komen but also some of the foundation’s longtime supporters, who were furious that the fight against breast cancer had been drawn into partisan battles.

 By the end of the week, Twitter users had sent more than 1.3 million posts mentioning Planned Parenthood, the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation and related terms and hashtags. On Thursday alone, there were more than 460,000 Tweets.

 “They listened carefully to many people, including many of the scientists and clinicians,” a senior cancer researcher with close ties to Komen said. “They recognized that the only thing that could be done was to reverse the decision.”"

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