vendredi 2 mars 2012

Obama et la "pute" de Georgetown: "vos parents peuvent être fiers de vous!"

Insultée plus tôt cette semaine par Rush Limbaugh, l'étudiante en droit Sandra Fluke a reçu l'appel du président américain. Limbaugh avait qualifié Fluke de "slut" en réaction à la position de la jeune femme sur l'avortement.

"President Barack Obama on Friday phoned the Georgetown University law student who was called a “slut” by Rush Limbaugh to find out if she is OK. “He encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speaking out about the concerns of American women,” Sandra Fluke, a third-year law student said. “And what was really personal for me was that he said to tell my parents that they should be proud. And that meant a lot because Rush Limbaugh questioned whether or not my family would be proud of me. So I just appreciated that very much.”

Fluke, who said she had received Obama’s call while waiting in the green room before her interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, also said of the phone call, “He did express his concern for me and wanted to make sure that I was ok, which, I am. I’m ok.”

 Minutes after Fluke appeared on MSNBC, White House press secretary Jay Carney confirmed the call in a press briefing with reporters, saying, “He wanted to offer his support to her. He wanted to express his disappointment that she has been the subject of inappropriate personal attacks and thank her for exercising her rights as a citizen to speak out on an issue of public policy.” (See also: Boehner calls Limbaugh remark “inappropriate”) Carney noted that the call was a “very good conversation” that lasted several minutes.

“This is not a quote from him (Obama), but I think he thinks they were reprehensible, they were disappointing,” Carney said. “It is disappointing that those kinds of personal and crude attacks could be leveled against someone like this young law school student who was simply expressing her opinion on a matter of public policy and doing so with a great deal of poise.”

 Limbaugh, who has shown no signs of offering an apology to Fluke but has not used the word “slut” since Wednesday, reacted to Carney’s remarks on his show Friday.

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