mercredi 21 novembre 2012

Cessez-le-feu: les problèmes d'Obama avec Gaza ne sont pas terminés...

Bibi sera-t-il plus facile à diriger? Le Hamas devient-il un interlocuteur crédible?  L'Égypte va-t-elle demeurer neutre et/ou pacifique? Beaucoup de négociations et de décisions pour l'administration Obama.

 "President Barack Obama’s trouble from the violence in Gaza won’t end with the cease-fire that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced Wednesday.

 The cease-fire follows days of conversations between Obama and the leaders involved that included at least five calls to Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi as the rocket fire was being exchanged, dispatching Clinton and a call Wednesday to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to thank him for agreeing to the cease-fire — “which the president recommended the Prime Minister do,” according to the White House.

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