mardi 26 février 2013

Chuck Hagel enfin Secrétaire à la défense

Après une longue période de jeux partisans et de mesquinerie politique, le Sénat (58 contre 41) approuve finalement la nomination de Chuck Hagel. Nous sommes bien loin d'un épisode glorieux de grandeur politique...

 Du burlesque à la hauteur des performances du Congrès depuis deux ou trois ans. "They beat him up for months — in TV ads, in op-ed pages and in Congress, with delay after delay before his confirmation on Tuesday.

But now that Chuck Hagel is set to take the top job at the Pentagon on Wednesday, many of his Senate opponents seemed ready to mend fences just hours after trying to derail him. As Hagel’s confirmation cleared the Senate floor 58 to 41, key Republican opponents who tried to wreck his nomination were already engaged in the Washington ritual of trying to make nice with their opponent after spending weeks opposing him.

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