lundi 30 septembre 2013
Parkland: sortie le 4 octobre
Avec une belle brochette d'acteurs comme Billy Bob Thornton, Marcia Gay Harden, Jacki Weaver et Paul Giamatti.
Le bordel chez les républicains
"House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) knows the political consequences of being blamed for shutting down the government. He was there, as a one-time key lieutenant to then-Speaker Newt Gingrich the last time a confrontation with a Democratic president brought many government functions to a halt in late 1995 and early 1996.
But for the past two weeks, Boehner has been pushed and pulled by the tea party faction in his conference to pursue a high-stakes game of legislative chicken with the Senate and the White House that risks a repeat of that episode from 17 years ago and potential damage to a Republican brand already near low ebb.
Apple dépasse Coca-Cola
Il y avait une éternité que Coca-Cola était la marque ayant la meilleure valeur. Apple et Google dépassent "It's the real thing" cette année.
"The 2013 report begins: “Every so often, a company changes our lives, not just with its products, but with its ethos. This is why, following Coca-Cola’s 13-year run at the top of Best Global Brands, Interbrand has a new No. 1 — Apple.”
The report estimates the value of the Apple brand at $98.3 billion, up 28 percent from the 2012 report. The value of the Coca-Cola brand also rose, by 2 percent to $79.2 billion, but that was not sufficient to give Coca-Cola a 14th year as Interbrand’s most valuable brand.
Although “Coca-Cola is an efficient, outstanding brand marketer, no doubt about it,” Mr. Frampton said, Apple and other leading technology brands have become “very much the poster child of the marketing community.”
Unir le Canada et les États-Unis? Réflexion...
"The best option for the U.S. and Canada to survive the new economic reality would be to alter course by devising protective policies and to merge into one gigantic nation. This book, a thought experiment, details the economic benefits of joining forces, the way a deal could be structured in fairness to both nations, the political obstacles littering its path and, lastly, strategies if a merger is impossible. This book is written from my viewpoint, as a dual citizen and business writer, that the interests and values of the two nations are aligned and that a merger makes good business sense."
vendredi 27 septembre 2013
Chrystal meth: l'industrie pharmaceutique complice?
"Shake and bake did two things. It took a toxic and volatile process that had once been the province of people with Breaking Bad-style knowledge of chemistry and put it in the bedrooms and kitchens of meth users in rural America. It also produced the most potent methamphetamine anywhere.
If anyone wondered what would happen if heroin or cocaine addicts suddenly discovered how to make their own supply with a handful of cheap ingredients readily available over the counter, methamphetamine's recent history provides an answer. Since 2007, the number of clandestine meth sites discovered by police has increased 63 percent nationwide. In Kentucky, the number of labs has more than tripled. The Bluegrass State regularly joins its neighbors Missouri, Tennessee, and Indiana as the top four states for annual meth lab discoveries.
As law enforcement agencies scramble to clean up and dispose of toxic labs, prosecute cooks, and find foster homes for their children, they are waging two battles: one against destitute, strung-out addicts, the other against some of the world's wealthiest and most politically connected drug manufacturers. In the past several years, lawmakers in 25 states have sought to make pseudoephedrine—the one irreplaceable ingredient in a shake-and-bake lab—a prescription drug. In all but two—Oregon and Mississippi—they have failed as the industry, which sells an estimated $605 million worth of pseudoephedrine-based drugs a year, has deployed all-star lobbying teams and campaign-trail tactics such as robocalls and advertising blitzes.
La suite:
jeudi 26 septembre 2013
Obama ridiculise les républicains: Obama care est la plus mauvaise loi de l'histoire
J'adore la référence au fugitive slave act...
Wall street aux républicains: êtes-vous fous?
"A brief shutdown would have some negative economic effects and could create political blowback on the GOP. But it would cause far less long-term damage than a default, which would likely send interest rates sky-rocketing, crush the stock market, devastate business and consumer confidence, and probably send the nation’s economy hurtling back into recession if not depression.
“The economic damage created by a government shutdown doesn’t compare to that of breaching the debt limit,” said Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics. “Breaching the limit would be an economic disaster. Perhaps Republicans feel that gives the threat of breaching the limit more leverage. Or perhaps some don’t believe the impact of breaching the limit would be that bad. But to be frank, I’m as perplexed as you are. Fortunately, I’m not asked for advice on political strategy.”
In the best-case scenario, investors would come to believe that “we have totally incompetent politicians who are unwilling to pay the bills when they are due,” said Michael Obuchowski of North Shore Asset Management.
Rush de Ron Howard: critique dans Première
Mon "plaisir coupable", les voitures... Sans être un maniaque de formule un (sauf pour pour les époques de Gilles Villeneuve et son fils), je m'intéresse sporadiquement à la course automobile. Je suis également un amateur des films de Ron Howard. Ajoutons à cela que je suis né à Trois-Rivières, ville qui possède son grand prix automobile, endroit où Hunt (un des deux coureurs du film) a remarqué Gilles Villeneuve (qui a battu Hunt à cet endroit) avant de le recommander chaudement et vous obtenez les principaux motifs de ma curiosité pour le film Rush (sans compter que Villeneuve remplacera Lauda, l'autre héros du film, chez Ferrari). Après avoir entendu Jacques Duval (ancien coureur, commentateur et auteur de guides automobiles) commenter le film ce matin sur les ondes de Radio-Canada, je me suis dit que j'irais définitivement voir ce film. Sans classer dans le film dans la catégorie des "classiques", Duval le considère plutôt bon comme oeuvre de fiction. Voici un autre point de vue dans la revue Première.
"Au ras du bitume. Dans les décharges d’adrénaline et dans l’inexorable crescendo qui rythment les grandes saisons de F1, le tout magnifiquement rendu par un Ron Howard en surrégime. De la part d’un réalisateur abonné ces derniers temps aux croûtes mollassonnes (Anges & Démons, Le Dilemme), ça pourrait paraître surprenant, mais ce serait oublier que l’homme a commencé sa carrière en tournant une série B intitulée… Lâchez les bolides. Plus de trente-cinq ans après, le bain de jouvence de ce bon vieux Ronnie prend les allures d’un ride surexcitant."
mercredi 25 septembre 2013
Les États-Unis toujours isolés à l'O.N.U.
"It is important to keep things in perspective a bit. While the United States has few close friends whose votes it can always rely on, the conflict is not nearly as intense as it was during the Cold War, when the United States had close friends but also a much more powerful adversary. The graph shows that, too: However contentious politics at the United Nations is these days, the Cold War was still much worse. Moreover, votes in the U.N. General Assembly are largely symbolic. If the United States has to take some on the chin, this is not the worst place to do so."
mardi 24 septembre 2013
Chronique à Radio-Canada cet après-midi: l'Iran, le pape François 1er et des somaliens du Minnesota au Kenya
Les Américains sont exceptionnels: Obama à l'O.N.U.
Petite "vengeance" d'Obama en réponse à l'éditorial de Poutine dans le New Yor Times?
Angela Merkel élue: victoire pour la "reine de l'autérité" (article dans le NY Times)
Atténuer la politique d'austérité après l'élection? Pas certain...
"Bloggers, meanwhile, posted a cartoon that showed Ms. Merkel, a stethoscope around her neck, wagging her finger at a skeleton slumped in a blue chair and ordering, “Exercise, exercise, exercise to strengthen your muscles.”
For months now, Europe has been waiting for the end of a German election campaign that, while focused almost entirely on domestic issues, stirred furtive hope among those outside Germany that, if re-elected to a third term, Ms. Merkel, despite having given no indication, would try a more energetic, and perhaps more economically stimulative, approach to leading Europe out of its extended slump. The waiting has now ended — and so, too, has any hint of a new approach.
Obama a peur de Michelle: ONU et potins...
Conversation enregistrée à l'insu des deux hommes. Obama affirme avoir cessé de fumer parce qu'il "a peur de sa femme". Au moins cette fois il ne critiquait pas Israël...
Iran, ouverture sincère? C'est l'Ayatollah Ali Khamenei qui décidera.
"It was a surprise when Iran’s hard-liners, who had held sway for eight years in tandem with Ayatollah Khamenei, lost to Mr. Rouhani in the presidential elections in June. They and the institutions they control — the Revolutionary Guards, the nationwide Friday Prayer venues, the judiciary and the state broadcaster — have all been ordered by Ayatollah Khamenei not to sabotage Mr. Rouhani’s effort with criticism or controversial remarks.
This is not to say that the hard-liners are out of power, nor are they excluded from deciding Mr. Rouhani’s mandate for negotiations. “We have coordinated our policies in order to talk with a single voice, which for now is the government’s voice,” Mr. Mousavi said.
Caricature Hillary Clinton brisera-t-elle un mariage?
Huma Abedin est une proche conseillère d'Hillary Clinton depuis longtemps. Elle est également l'épouse d'Anthony Weiner, ancien représentant au Congrès et candidat vaincu des primaires démocrates pour la mairie de New York. Weiner semble incapable de s'empêcher d'envoyer des sextos à de jeunes femmes. Si Hillary se lance dans la course à la présidence, Abedin devra probablement choisir entre sa carrière et le sauvetage de son mariage...
Ben Johnson à Séoul: 25 ans déjà
"If you don't take it, you don't make it"... Combien d'athlètes, tous sports confondus, ont été confrontés au choix de prendre des produits dopants pour atteindre le sommet? Quand on pense à tout l'argent impliqué, à tous les efforts et, surtout, à la possibilité d'être le meilleur au monde, on comprend la tentation...
La course de 1988 restera à jamais gravée dans ma mémoire. Un canadien écrasant des américains dans une épreuves qu'ils dominent, tout pour capter l'attention de l'amateur d'athlétisme. Un moment historique? Assurément, pour une foule de raisons. Un 100m très relevé, une rivalité Lewis-Johnson, un bataille de record du monde et une victoire évidente du canadien qui lève le pied à la fin... Je me souviens très bien d'avoir regardé la course en direct, échappant un cri de joie à la fin. Je me souviens aussi de la désagréable surprise de la disqualification trois jours plus tard. Peut-être un peu d'indignation aussi... Pourquoi le canadien alors qu'une majorité de coureurs s'entraînaient en utilisant des drogues?
Malgré l'évidence du dopage, je suis encore à ce jour partagé... Un peu comme dans le cas de Lance Armstrong, je suis fasciné par la performance et l'entraînement. Johnson et Armstrong étaient les meilleurs, point. Dans la mesure où les meilleurs ont accès aux mêmes "techniques", la victoire est "légitime". En même temps, l'amateur de sport et l'éducateur en moi ne peuvent cautionner des comportements qui vont à l'encontre de l'esprit du sport et de l'éthique. Déjà le sport professionnel n'est pas "bon" pour la santé, ce n'est pas un exemple de pratique saine. Imaginez si vous ajoutez les drogues... Je crois toujours que la réflexion entourant la prise de produits dopants doit être placée dans le contexte global de la course à la performance... "If you don't take it, you don't make it"...
lundi 23 septembre 2013
Chronique à Radio-Canada cet après-midi: le jour de la marmotte
Émission du vendredi 20 septembre, début à 16h48
Armes à feu, dossier syrien et crise budgétaire au Congrès Émission du vendredi 20 septembre, début à 16h48
Government shutdown aux États-Unis: dix effets possibles.

Le jour de la marmotte... Une fois de plus plus les négociations risquent de s'éterniser. Voici une liste de 10 effets d'une fermeture de certains services gouvernementaux.
Au premier rang: "Perhaps the biggest hit would be to the collective psyche. America is the largest economy in the world and a beacon for how democracy ought to work. To watch elected lawmakers engage in a high-stakes staring contest with no one willing to blink is no way to do business. A recent CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll found that 51% will blame Republicans if the government closes its doors. The U.S. has operated without a budget since 2009 and has avoided a government shutdown with last-minute deals. It's been one stomach-turning sequel after another.
Not only does the government run out of money on October 1, the nation is set to hit the debt ceiling and go into default in mid-October. Together, they serve -- in the words of CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta -- as a dysfunction double whammy."
Caricature Minnesota et production locale: maïs et terroristes?
Granlund réagit à l'information selon laquelle des terroristes qui ont participé l'attentat au Kenya auraient été recrutés au Minnesota, état qui compte une forte communauté somalienne. La grande majorité de ces somaliens sont arrivés aux États-Unis dans les années '90 en raison de la guerre civile.
Obamacare: l'évolution d'Obama
L'intérêt du candidat Obama pour des soins de santé universels relevait autant, sinon plus, de la stratégie politique que d'une profonde conviction. Le Président Obama en a fait une "affaire personnelle".
"By the time Obamacare was signed into law in March 2010, Obama had committed fully to the fight, surprising even those closest to him by the intensity of his personal commitment, his desire to achieve something historic and — last but not least — his fear of being publicly humiliated by a defeat.
The backlash has been more intense and sustained than the West Wing and congressional Democrats ever expected. An inconsistent and weak counterattack and the White House’s reluctance to spend more capital on the issue left Obama’s signature legislative achievement orphaned in ways that could permanently weaken the law.
But on that morning of March 23, 2010, Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, invoking the image of his late mother in an emotional ceremony that underscored how far he had come from his offhanded leap into the fight three years earlier.
The night the bill passed is the “most satisfied I’ve seen him,” said Obama’s senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer, the highest-ranking member of Obama’s 2008 crew still working in the West Wing. “It was really hard, but it was really important — a historic thing that many presidents tried and many presidents failed. He was incredibly emotionally invested, and he remains to this day.”
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