mardi 19 novembre 2013

Dallas, la deuxième victime de l'attentat contre JFK?

Deux jours après l'assassinat de JFK les Cowboys de Dallas jouaient à Cleveland et on avait demandé aux annonceurs de ne pas mentionner le nom de la ville et de se limiter à utiliser que le seul nom de l'équipe. Dallas a payé et paie toujours pour la mort de Kennedy, un traitement injuste. Bel article de Larry J. Sabato dans le Dallas Morning News relayé ici par le site TPM.

 "In the days and years after Nov. 22, 1963, anti-Dallas sentiment was rampant across the country. I saw it myself growing up in Norfolk, Va., and attending Catholic school there, where Dallas was cursed and condemned in the strongest terms. The president, who was visiting Dallas in part to help repair a breach between liberals and conservatives in the Texas Democratic Party, seemed to see a danger in visiting Dallas: "We're heading into nut country today," Kennedy told his wife, Jackie. After the assassination, nurses at Parkland Hospital asked the first lady if she wanted help getting cleaned up. "Absolutely not," she said. "I want the world to see what Dallas has done to my husband."

 The murder of JFK was not the first, nor sadly the last, major American assassination. But it remains the only one where the location of the killing received outsize blame for what happened. That Abraham Lincoln was killed in Washington, or William McKinley in Buffalo, or Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis are merely minor details in the stories of those assassinations. Among all the places where important Americans were murdered over the history of the nation, Dallas stands alone in the dock, convicted in many people's minds as having created the conditions that bred a monstrous act.

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