mercredi 27 novembre 2013

Maison Blanche et propagande?

Papier intéressant de Dana Milbank du Washington Post. L'auteur constate que la Maison Blanche autorise de moins en moins de photographes à croquer sur le vif le Président lors d'événements officiels, préférant confier ce travail à des photographes employés par la Maison Blanche. La photo qui coiffe cette entrée est l'une des plus célèbres prise par un de ces employés (Peter Souza). Contrôle de l'image...

 "The most famous of the photo press releases was the image from the White House Situation Room on the day U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden; the image was digitally altered so that material on the table in front of the secretary of state could not be seen.

 Maybe that alteration was an exception. And photojournalists don’t expect to be granted access to the Situation Room. But the doctored image raises the question of whether other photo releases are altered, too; in the age of Photoshop, it’s easy — at the start of the year, Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s staff (clumsily) altered a group photo of Democratic women in Congress to add four absent members. And often, it’s undetectable.

 I asked Pete Souza, a White House photographer, whether other photos of his have been altered. He sent me to deputy press secretary Josh Earnest, who said that altering photos would be done only to protect classified information and that he didn’t know of other instances. He defended the photo releases generally, telling reporters, “There are certain circumstances where it is simply not feasible to have independent journalists in the room when the president is making decisions.”

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