vendredi 22 novembre 2013

Facebook, politique et vie privée

Un candidat à la Chambre des représentants pour le Minnesota doit gérer les retombées de la publication de vielles photos qui se retrouvaient sur Facebook. Lorsqu'on dit qu'il faut être prudent avec ce qu'on met en ligne...

 "A Republican congressional candidate in Minnesota looks like the life of the party in a series of photos published Friday.

 In the photos, which were obtained by City Pages, Stewart Mills is shown guzzling from a beer bong and licking the lips of a woman who isn't his wife. According to City Pages, the beer bong photos were posted on his wife's Facebook page in 2009.

 The photo of him licking the other woman was taken at a 2008 Christmas party and was "still publicly viewable on Facebook" when City Pages posted it, but it has since been taken down. It's unclear who posted the photo on Facebook.

 Mills, who is the likely challenger next year to Rep. Rick Nolan (D-MN) in Minnesota's Eighth Congressional District, said in a statement that it's "no secret that in the past I've let my hair down to have fun with family and friends."

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