mercredi 11 juin 2014

Eric Cantor battu

Choc dans la capitale américaine hier soir et ce matin alors que le leader républicain de la majorité à la Chambre des représentants a été défait. Cantor dont la campagne était riche a été battu par un enseignant qui disposait d'un budget de 200 00 dollars.

 "He lost to Dave Brat, a college professor with a $200,000 shoestring budget. The result should be a wakeup call that with a fickle Republican primary electorate in an anti-incumbent, anti-Washington mood, no fundraising advantage can guarantee victory. Brat’s win is all the more stunning because like-minded outside groups didn’t buy TV ads, focusing on other prizes like GOP Senate primaries in Kentucky and Mississippi.

Cantor never lacked for cash, with a donor roll that read like a who’s who of Beltway power players. Once seen as a top contender for House speaker, he had the support of 377 political action committees representing almost every major corporate and special interest from all sectors of the economy, including airlines, telecom, energy, food, and manufacturing groups."

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