jeudi 19 juin 2014

"Nous voulons Hillary": message des sénateurs pour Joe Biden

Aucun appui démocrate au Sénat pour Joe Biden... Inévitable la candidature d'Hillary?

 "Such deep support for a potential candidate this early on, practically unheard of in presidential politics, reflects the deep hold Clinton has over her party and the sense among senators that there are no other viable options to keep the presidency in Democratic hands. But the fact that senators with whom he worked alongside for decades wouldn’t at least stay on the sidelines so long before the election — as Biden is openly flirting with a run in 2016 — is also a personal and political repudiation of the vice president.

Under the traditional rules of politics, Biden could presumably count on at least some of his fellow Senate Democrats. He spent more than three decades as a Delaware senator, raising big bucks for his Senate colleagues, teaming up on legislation and yukking it up in countless private lunches and dinners.

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