jeudi 19 juin 2014

Hillary Clinton hésitante sur le racisme...

Hillary Clinton poursuit la tournée promotionnelle de son livre et participe occasionnellement à des rencontres publiques. Récemment elle s'est montrée évasive sur le racisme dont aurait été victime le Président Obama. Une autre manifestation de son intérêt pour la campagne présidentielle 2016? Hillary Clinton est déjà en campagne...

 "Why does talking about race make Clinton uncomfortable? She sidestepped the initial question with the "no one will agree with the president" line, but when Amanpour tried to bring her back to race, Clinton demurred that racism was "too broad" of a label, adding that sexism and homophobia are also problems. You don't say!

The simple explanation is that Clinton, in full-on presidential run mode (despite her insistence that she hasn’t yet decided) was cautious of turning off voters who fear the racism label, whether it is justified or not.

The less simple explanation is that race isn’t easy for very many people to talk about in America, particularly in a public setting.

Even President Barack Obama, who has increasingly started talking about race in a more personal way, was quoted by the New York Times in 2009 -- after a five-second hesitation -- saying, “I’m not somebody who believes that constantly talking about race somehow solves racial tensions.”

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