dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Joan Quigley, l'astrologue de Ronald et Nancy Reagan, meurt à 87 ans

Peu de gens se sont intéressés à cette histoire, mais selon un ancien chef de cabinet de l'époque Reagan, le couple présidentiel prenait rarement une décision importante sans avoir obtenu l'assentiment d'une astrologue.

 "In his 1988 memoir, Donald T. Regan, a former chief of staff for President Ronald Reagan, revealed what he called the administration’s “most closely guarded secret.”

He said an astrologer had set the time for summit meetings, presidential debates, Reagan’s 1985 cancer surgery, State of the Union addresses and much more. Without an O.K. from the astrologer, he said, Air Force One did not take off.

The astrologer, whose name Mr. Regan did not know when he wrote the book, was Joan Quigley. She died on Tuesday at 87 at her home in San Francisco, her sister and only immediate survivor, Ruth Quigley, said."


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