vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Virgin Galactic: le SpaceShipTwo s'écrase dans le désert Mojave

Une anomalie serait responsable de l'écrasement du SpaceShipTwo de Virgin Glactic (firme du milliardaire britannique Richard Branson). L'écrasement du vaisseau aurait fait un mort et un blessé.

 "SpaceShipTwo is designed to hold two pilots and six passengers. The company has taken deposits of up to $250,000 each from more than 700 people to reserve seats on the first space tourism flights, according to the Albuquerque Journal.

Charles Lurio, publisher of a newsletter about the commercial space industry, the Lurio Report, compared the test-flight explosion to the hundreds of people lost over years of testing early aircraft.

“I hope people understand that in order to make progress in certain areas, you have to take certain risks,” Lurio said. “This is why we need more than one or two companies trying things out, and why we need people willing to test things on the ground. … We need to enable more people to try, not fewer.”

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