lundi 20 octobre 2014

Obamacare survivra selon le gouverneur républicain de l'Ohio

Le gouverneur John Kasich a affirmé aujourd'hui que l'opposition à Obamacare était essentiellement idéologique et politique. Selon ce républicain le programme a des effets positifs dans la vie des gens. Un discours étonnant de la part d'un républicain, surtout qu'il diminue ainsi ses chances de devenir le candidat républicain lors des présidentielles de 2016.

 "He’s been mentioned in a lot of GOP circles as a strong potential candidate. But in a White House race, he’d be competing for support among Republican voters who still hate the law — and possibly with contenders like Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who still promises in his stump speeches to “repeal every word” of Obamacare.

Republican governors have generally taken a more nuanced approach to the health law than their congressional counterparts. Kasich’s neighbor, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, is awaiting a decision from the feds about his proposed alternative Medicaid expansion. Other Republican governors thought to have White House prospects, including Susana Martinez in New Mexico and Brian Sandoval in Nevada, also expanded Medicaid.

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