samedi 20 décembre 2014

"I'm not done": Obama n'a pas l'intention de baisser les bras

Tous les observateurs ont constaté depuis les élections de mi-mandat que le président Obama n'a pas l'intention de se comporter comme un "lame duck". Si les dernières semaines ont démontré sa vigueur, il n'a pas l'intention de s'arrêter là.

 "In part, Obama’s got the larger political dynamics to thank. At this point in the run-up to 2008, everyone knew who the candidates were going to be, and most of the candidates had already started picking out office space for their headquarters.. This time around, even the politician most expected to run — Hillary Clinton — has pushed off a final announcement until the spring. The action’s so slim that Jeb Bush’s Facebook post that he was “actively exploring” a presidential run was enough to come off like a cannonball.

And as much as White House aides gloat about the recent run of good news that’s fed the sense of a turnaround — “It gets better,” was the year-end message Obama stressed as he closed up the press conference and got ready to head to Hawaii for two weeks — they admit that they’ve gotten lucky in the timing. The climate deal with China, the booming Obamacare enrollment numbers, the teetering of the Russian economy — were all the result of long planning but ripened in close succession more on their own timetable than due to any great plan to jam-pack the last few weeks of the year.

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