lundi 23 février 2015

Keystone XL: le premier veto de plusieurs pour Obama?

Le bras de fer entre l'administration Obama et le congrès est débuté depuis bien longtemps et avant Noël le président annonçait son intention au projet de loi qui autoriserait la construction du pipeline. On s'attend à qu'Obama utilise donc officiellement son véto cette semaine et ce ne serait pas la dernière fois avant son départ de la Maison Blanche.

 "Wielding the weapon of his pen, President Obama this week is expected to formally reject a Republican attempt to force construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. But in stopping the transit of petroleum from the forests of Alberta to the Gulf Coast, Mr. Obama will be opening the veto era of his presidency.

The expected Keystone veto, the third and most significant of Mr. Obama’s six years in office, would most likely be followed by presidential vetoes of bills that could emerge to make changes in the Affordable Care Act, impose new sanctions on Iran and roll back child nutrition standards, among others.

For Mr. Obama, his Cross Townsend black roller-ball pen will become an extension of his second-term strategy to act alone in the face of Republican opposition and safeguard his legislative record.

“It’s a new period of his administration,” said James Thurber, director of the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University in Washington. “He will use the veto to protect his past record and not allow things he disagrees with to go forward.”

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