mercredi 25 février 2015

Le sang de Winston Churchill offert à l'encan!

On commémore cette année le cinquantième anniversaire de la mort de Winston Churchill. Celui-ci ne croyait pas si bien dire lorsqu'il déclarait: "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat". La maison Duke offre une fiole du sang du célèbre politicien aux enchères.

 "Duke's auction house has announced it will auction a vial of Churchill's blood, taken during a hospital stay in 1962, three years before his death.

Churchill had fallen out of bed and fractured a hip, necessitating a multiweek stay at Middlesex Hospital.

The blood was drawn by nursing student Patricia Fitzgibbon, according to the auction house. The sample was never used and the hospital was set to dispose of it when Fitzgibbon asked to keep it.

Before her death, Fitzgibbon gave the vial to a friend, who has decided to sell it."

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