Cette "confession" est-elle une réaction aux derniers sondages négatifs (mais positifs pour Joe Biden qui n'a pas encore confirmé sa candidature) ou le résultat de l'enquête sur le contenu de ses courriels et l'entretien de son serveur? Le New York Times révélait ce matin que la principale candidate démocrate serait plus spontanée et chaleureuse en campagne et voilà qu'après des mois à louvoyer sur la question Mme Clinton reconnaît l'évidence. C'est ce qu'on appelle une contre-attaque?
"That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility,” Clinton said in an interview with ABC News.
The statement was the furthest Clinton has gone in showing remorse for the arrangement, which mingled her work and personal communications and kept them outside the regular State Department e-mail system. The FBI is investigating whether the system, maintained on a privately owned computer server at Clinton's New York home, jeopardized classified information.
In interviews Friday with NBC and Monday with the Associated Press, Clinton had declined to apologize, even as she said the arrangement was a poor choice that she regrets. She told NBC interviewer Andrea Mitchell that she is sorry the issue is confusing for people, but insisted that she had done nothing wrong."
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