jeudi 8 octobre 2015

"They’re going to eat you and chew you up": les conservateurs républicains ont raison de la candidature de Kevin McCarthy

Depuis que le speaker de la Chambre des représentants John Boehner a annoncé qu'il quittait, on se demandait bien qui pouvait le remplacer et espérer réconcilier les factions modéré et conservatrice de la formation républicaine. Kevin McCarthy croyait bien être cet homme, plus maintenant... La division règne toujours au sein des troupes.

 "The majority leader's longtime allies — the people he recruited and helped get elected to Congress — told him they were getting hammered back home, and that it would be difficult to back him on the House floor.

 Other friends said McCarthy's pursuit of the speaker’s gavel had become a staggering weight on his shoulders and was already starting to change him.

Conservatives — namely members of the House Freedom Caucus — were making demands he believed he simply couldn’t deliver on. And, of course, there was Benghazi. The California Republican’s monumental blunder – his claim that the panel was created to undermine Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign – became an unavoidable distraction."

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