mercredi 9 décembre 2015

"Je ne quitterai jamais cette course" Donald Trump

Pourquoi Trump quitterait-il? Il a toute l'attention des médias. Que feront les autorités du GOP?

 "Most politicians and pundits thought he would never get in to begin with. When he announced in June, they predicted he wouldn’t last long, a sideshow at best. Then they thought he would get out when he had to disclose his finances. Or after he insulted Sen. John McCain’s war experience, Fox News Channel host Megyn Kelly, Mexicans, Muslims, the disabled, you name it.

 If shame wouldn’t do the trick, surely the voters would. Fun as the summer may have been, the fall was the time to get serious and his support would begin to fade. Trump stoked some of this speculation in early October when he went on “Meet the Press” and, in response to a question from host Chuck Todd, said that if people lost interest in him he would drop out.

Two months later, people have not lost interest in him. In fact, the latest polls show just the opposite. Yet the speculation that he’s going to magically disappear persists."

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