lundi 21 décembre 2015

Noël en chiffre selon le Pew Research Center

Plusieurs données intéressantes dans cette petite étude, certaines pour le moins étonnantes. Le récit de la naissance du Christ est perçu comme un ensemble de faits historiques.

 "Americans largely believe that elements of the traditional Christmas story reflect actual historical events. More than seven-in-ten (73%) say that Jesus was born to a virgin and 81% believe he was laid in a manger. And similar shares say that wise men, guided by a star, brought Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh (75%) and that an angel of the Lord appeared to shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus (74%). Nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults (65%) believe that all four of these things actually happened, while 14% say none of them happened."

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