mercredi 13 avril 2011

Guerre de Sécession: toutes les idées de commémoration sont-elles bonnes?

Un prof qui organise un marché aux esclaves dans sa classe... Des élèves blancs qui peuvent acheter les élèves noirs en participant à des enchères. Un léger manque de jugement?

A fourth grade teacher in Norfolk, Virginia is in trouble for getting a bit too real in a lesson on the Civil War, in which she held a mock auction of black students while letting the white students bid on them.

On April 1st, Jessica Boyle separated students in her class and put the black and mixed race students up for sale, according to WVEC News, apparently in a well intentioned, but ill-advised attempt to demonstrate the injustices of the slave era.

Mary B. Wrushen, Principal of Sewells Point Elementary School, sent a letter home to parents on April 6 following the incident, saying: "Although her actions were well intended to meet the instructional objectives, the activity presented was inappropriate for the students."

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