dimanche 28 août 2011

Biden a-t-il gaffé en Chine? La politique de l'enfant unique

Biden, malgré d'indéniables qualités et une vaste expérience, est "célèbre" pour ses bourdes. Il lui arrive de s'exprimer trop rapidement ou de déformer un peu sa pensée... Était-ce le cas en Chine? Oui selon le NY Post.

"Nothing that tumbles from Vice President Joe Biden’s mouth should surprise. But he certainly raised eyebrows -- and a lot more -- with his stunning remarks in China suggesting support for Beijing’s notorious one-child policy.
A spokeswoman later had to argue that what Biden actually believes isn’t necessarily what he says.
Taking questions at Sichuan University, Biden launched into a riff on China’s demographic crisis.
“Your policy is one which I fully understand -- I’m not second-guessing -- of [allowing only] one child per family,” the vice president helpfully offered.

Seriously? Apparently not.
After an outpouring of condemnation, spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff issued a statement reiterating that “the Obama administration strongly opposes all aspects of China’s birth-limitation policies.”
Which is good to hear. As was her claim that, by calling the policy “unsustainable,” Biden was actually “arguing against the one-child policy to a Chinese audience.”
If she was telling the truth, that is.
For the record, China’s three-decade-old one-child limit for urban families has been denounced by human-rights groups, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.
And with good reason: It involves forced sterilization, coerced abortions and de facto “gendercide” -- the weeding out of female babies, creating a huge imbalance in favor of male births.
Frankly, it’s astonishing that the second-highest-ranking official of an administration that considers itself committed to reproductive rights should give tacit endorsement to a policy that is the very antithesis of a woman’s right to choose.
So what does Biden really think?
After that display of verbal summersaults, who knows?"


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