vendredi 28 octobre 2011

NASA: satellite hacké par la Chine?

Hacké, oui, mais par qui?

"NASA has confirmed to TPM that one of its earth observation satellites “experienced two suspicious events,” partly verifying the alarming conclusions of a draft of a forthcoming report by an independent Congressional advisory panel on U.S.-Chinese relations.

NASA did not address the portion of the report that found the attacks bore hallmarks of the Chinese military, or someone affiliated with the inner-workings of the Chinese military. But the agency did say that it had launched a task force to increase security, alerted the Defense Department and was “complying” with the National Space Policy guidelines.

On Friday, in response to an inquiry about the reported satellite hacks, TPM received the following information in an email from NASA Public Affairs Officer Trent J. Perrotto, who confirmed two hacks affected its Terra AM-1 satellite, but said that no damage, theft or any other security breaches had taken place, and that NASA had restored its control over the satellite."

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