mardi 31 janvier 2012

Newt Gingrich, le Hillary Clinton de 2012?

Poser la question, c'est y répondre. La confrontation Obama-Clinton a soulevé les passions et apporter une attention médiatique très positive. Ce n'est pas le cas cette année chez les républicains...

 "Assuming Tuesday’s primary vote here goes the way the polls say it will, Newt Gingrich will have to figure out a way to make good on his promise to take the primary fight all the way to the GOP convention. And he’s going to have to do it quick.

Gingrich seems intent on playing this year’s Hillary Clinton, refusing to let defeats and polls stop him and pushing on until the bitter end. Some conservatives have already begun to ponder the ramifications of that scenario. But they probably don’t need to. Virtually nothing about Gingrich’s campaign resembles Clinton’s, which was able to hold on for months thanks to a huge well of money and well-built national infrastructure.

So while Gingrich backers say he can stay in due to the strength of his support among conservatives if nothing else — and Democrats would certainly like to see the brutal primary continue — it’s difficult to see how Gingrich can make good on his promise to plague Mitt Romney until the bitter end.

 “If he wants to continue, great, good for him,” said Hessy Fernandez, a Republican strategist and member of John McCain’s team in 2008. “But I just don’t see how he can do it without the organization. And the funds. And the campaign. And the…you know.”"

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