dimanche 29 janvier 2012

Procès Shafia: une couverture américaine

La situation d'ensemble n'est pas facile pour les musulmans américains, surtout depuis le 11 septembre 2001.  Je me demande quel effet aura la nouvelle de la condamnation des trois membres de la famille Shafia.

"I say to myself, you did well. Would they come back to life a hundred times, you should so the same again," he says. And in another played in court and translated from the Afghan language Dari, he says, "May the devil defecate on their graves! This is what a daughter should be? Would a daughter be such a whore?" Shafia and his lawyers tried to explain that his shocking words are traditional expressions in Dari that should not be translated literally. But the jury also heard from an expert witness on honor murders -- a term CNN is using in the interest of clarity rather than the more common "honor killings" because the latter phrase does not properly describe the alleged crime. That witness, University of Toronto professor Shahrzad Mojab, said that in some families, honor is worth more than life. In an interview with CNN, Mojab said that many times, honor crimes are calculated acts that involve more than one family member. "There is a very important difference between honor killing and violence against women in the form of domestic violence. It is plotted, it is premeditated." Mojab said. "What we need to understand is that the male power and the male desire for the control of the woman's body and the woman's sexuality -- the honor resides in that sort of understanding and the ownership of women's body and sexuality," he said. "So when that is being presented in a way that is not acceptable to the social norm, then the only way the honor can be restored is by purifying that. And the purification is through blood." http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/29/world/americas/canada-honor-murder/index.html?iref=allsearch

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