samedi 11 février 2012

Caucaus Maine: victoire serrée de Romney

Rien pour pavoiser, mais une bonne nouvelle pour l'équipe de Romney.

 "Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney squeaked out a tight win over Texas Rep. Ron Paul in Maine's Republican presidential caucuses, taking 39% of the vote to Paul's 36%. The victory ended the week on an upswing for Romney -- hours before the results were announced he had won a straw poll at the closely watched Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington over former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who had swept three states up for grab in Tuesday's primaries and caucuses. Romney visited caucus sites in the state earlier Saturday, something he hadn't done up to this point in the campaign. "I want to be your nominee. I want to beat President Obama," he told caucus-goers in Sanford. "I believe I can. I believe I'm the one person in this race who actually can beat this president. I believe it's essential that we beat this president. That we take America back and that we keep America as it's always been -- the hope of the earth." Meanwhile, Paul is still looking for a win -- he's 0-for-9 in the campaign so far."

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