vendredi 25 mai 2012

Le printemps mexicain!

Le printemps sera-t-il la saison de tous les mouvements? Au tour du Mexique! "The demonstrators have no clear leader. Many say Twitter posts and Facebook groups brought them to the streets of Mexico's capital and cities around the country. With presidential elections less than six weeks away, they are protesting media coverage of the campaign and criticizing the candidate widely seen as the front-runner. Local media reports have described it as "the Mexican Spring," drawing a comparison with massive protests pushing for political change in the Middle East. The surge of student activism has drawn attention at a key time during campaigning in the politically polarized country, where security concerns and economic problems have been top issues for candidates vying for the presidency. "It was about time that Mexico woke up, that it stopped watching television," said Leonardo Mata, a student at Mexico City's Metropolitan Autonomous University who joined thousands marching in the capital on Wednesday. TV coverage of the campaign has drawn sharp criticism from some protesters, who argue that national broadcaster Televisa has provided more favorable coverage to Enrique Pena Nieto, the Institutional Revolutionary Party candidate who leads in polls."

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