mardi 29 mai 2012

Médailles de la liberté: Obama honore treize récipiendaires

 La médaille la plus importante pour des civils. Obama la remet à des personnes d'univers très différents, de Madeleine Albright (première femme secrétaire d'état)à Bob Dylan.

 "The first woman to serve as U.S. Secretary of State and a Polish officer who provided some of the first accounts of the Holocaust are among 13 people who will be honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Tuesday.

 The medal is the nation's highest civilian honor, awarded to those who make extraordinary contributions to world peace, national interest and security, or other cultural endeavors.

 "I am so honored to have gotten the Medal of Freedom," former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told CNN's "Starting Point" last month. "It makes me feel very proud to be an American, and that's the story that goes together." Jan Karski, the former Polish officer who escaped Nazi imprisonment and provided first-hand accounts to the Western Allies of atrocities he witnessed in Warsaw, will receive the award posthumously, along with Gordon Hirabayashi, who defied the forced relocation and internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, and Juliette Gordon Lowe, the founder of the Girl Scouts.

 President Barrack Obama recognized Karski during remarks observing Holocaust Remembrance day in April.

"We must tell our children about how this evil was allowed to happen -- because so many people succumbed to their darkest instincts; because so many others stood silent," Obama said. "But let us also tell our children about the Righteous among the Nations. Among them was Jan Karski -- a young Polish Catholic -- who witnessed Jews being put on cattle cars, who saw the killings, and who told the truth, all the way to President Roosevelt himself.""

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