lundi 12 novembre 2012

David Petraeus: plus qu'une question de sexe...

Absent de mon carnet depuis quelques jours en raison d'un séjour à Philadelphie, j'ai tout de même été en mesure de suivre les développements entourant la démission de David Petraeus. L'homme incarnait la perfection chez les militaires et sa feuille de route est brillante. C'est un pilier qui tombe et les ramifications sont nombreuses.

 "Unlike many stories about powerful Washington figures having secret affairs, the downfall of spy chief David Petraeus goes deeper than sex.

The scandal surrounding the decorated four-star Army general who once ran the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan involves questions of national security, politics and even the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead.

Petraeus resigned Friday after acknowledging he had an affair with a woman later identified as his biographer, Paula Broadwell, a fellow West Point graduate who spent months studying the general's leadership of U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

 Days after Petraeus' resignation stunned Washington, information continues to emerge. Among other things, a video has surfaced of a speech by Petraeus' paramour in which she suggested the Libya attack was targeting a secret prison at the Benghazi consulate annex, raising unverified concerns about possible security leaks."

 La suite:

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