mercredi 7 novembre 2012

Obama gagne: que faire de ce second mandat?

Obama se réveille ce matin heureux de cette seconde victoire, mais confronté à un Congrès divisé, confronté également à une majorité républicaine à la Chambre des représentants. Quels dossiers attaquer en premier? Comment s'assurer de parvenir à des compromis? Un second mandat qui s'annonce difficile.

 "Few if any expect him to seriously change Washington anymore; most voters just seemed to want him to make it function. His remarkable personal story and trailblazing role are just a vague backdrop at this point to a campaign that often seemed to lack a singular, overriding mission beyond stopping his challenger from taking the country in another direction.

 More seasoned and scarred, less prone to grandiosity and perhaps even less idealistic, Mr. Obama returns for a second term with a Congress still at least partly controlled by an opposition party that will claim a mandate of its own. He will have to choose between conciliation and confrontation, or find a way to toggle back and forth between the two.

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