lundi 5 novembre 2012

Sandy responsable de la défaite de Romney? Les républicains se préparent-ils au pire?

L'excuse parfaite ou stratégie pour faire sortir le vote républicain?

 "In the event that President Obama wins reelection on Tuesday, Republicans have already found their scapegoat: Hurricane Sandy. Just days before Election Day, GOP pundits and prognosticators — and some within the Romney campaign — are roundly describing the devastating storm as the critical event that halted their candidate’s upswing in the polls, which give Obama a clear advantage in the electoral college math.

  “The hurricane is what broke Romney’s momentum. I don’t think there’s any question about it,” said Haley Barbour, a former Mississippi governor, RNC chairman and respected political strategist, on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday. “What happened was the news media absolutely blacked out any coverage of the issues.”

 Karl Rove made a similar argument to the Washington Post on Saturday.

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