mercredi 6 février 2013

Bruce Willis et Sylvester Stallone divergent d'opinion sur le contrôle des armes

Les deux héros de films d'actions ont une opinion différente au sujet de l'utilisation des armes dans "la vraie vie"...

 "Two of Hollywood’s most famous on-screen gun toters — Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone — are on very different sides of the debate over gun violence following the Newtown, Conn. school massacre. Stallone, who blasted everything that moved in the Rambo movies, favors new gun control laws including a ban on so-called assault weapons. Willis, who sees to it that many die extremely hard in the Die Hard flicks, says that any new legislation on guns is a slippery slope leading to an eventual hard death for the Bill of Rights.

 Fictional violence in movies, TV shows and video games remains a focus for some after the school shooting, with some in both parties calling on the entertainment industry to take a portion of the blame for the large-scale shootings that have seem to come regularly in recent years. Hollywood for the most part rejects the idea.

 Willis and Stallone, both pitching violent films on the junket circuit, have been asked to give their take on what should be done about gun violence. Set in the rhetoric of the current debate over guns, Stallone is more in line with President Obama while Willis is standing with the leadership of the National Rifle Association.

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