mercredi 13 mars 2013

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, François 1er: un homme de terrain (Washington Post)

 Comme tous les médias du monde entier, les médias américains s'intéressent au choix du dernier conclave. Voici un portrait intéressant dans le Washington Post. Un homme modeste qui va à la rencontre des fidèles. Pas un mauvais choix pour l'Église actuelle.

 "Bergoglio, 76, reportedly got the second-most votes after Joseph Ratzinger in the 2005 papal election, and he has long specialized in the kind of pastoral work that some say is an essential skill for the next pope. In a lifetime of teaching and leading priests in Latin America, which has the largest share of the world’s Catholics, Bergoglio has shown a keen political sensibility as well as the kind of self-effacing humility that fellow cardinals value highly, says his official biographer, Sergio Rubin.

 Bergoglio would likely encourage the church’s 400,000 priests to hit the streets to capture more souls, Rubin said in an Associated Press interview. He is also most comfortable taking a low profile, and his personal style is the antithesis of Vatican splendor. “It’s a very curious thing: When bishops meet, he always wants to sit in the back rows. This sense of humility is very well seen in Rome,” Rubin said.

 Bergoglio is known for modernizing an Argentine church that had been among the most conservative in Latin America,

As Argentina’s top church official, he’s never lived in the ornate church mansion in Buenos Aires, preferring a simple bed in a downtown room heated by a small stove on frigid weekends. For years, he took public transportation around the city, and cooked his own meals.

 Bergoglio has slowed a bit with age and is feeling the effects of having a lung removed due to infection when he was a teenager — two strikes against him at a time when many Vatican-watchers say the next pope should be relatively young and strong. “But he’s going to be very influential in the congress of cardinals, one of those who is most listened to,” Rubin said.

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