mercredi 27 mars 2013

Mort de Ben Laden: le mensonge d'un SEAL à Esquire

 Il y a un mois la revue Esquire présentait une entrevue avec un membre de l'unité des SEALs qui prétendait avoir tué Ben Laden. Ce même homme prétendait qu'en retour on ne lui offrait même pas une couverture médicale décente à son retour. Selon d'autres témoignages des membres de l'unité, il semble que la revue ait été dupée...

 "But that story is “complete B.S.” a member of SEAL Team 6 also on the raid told CNN. The real story, according to the SEAL was this: The point man successfully shot bin Laden in the head when he poked his head out, gravely wounding him, then tackled the women. When the other SEALs came into the bedroom, bin Laden was already on the ground, basically dead, and the SEALS finished him off with shots to the chest. He was not within reach of a gun, because the guns were only found in the bedroom after extensive searching. So the shooter certainly could have shot bin Laden, but if he did, he was already lying on the ground and completely harmless. It’s a less heroic scenario, as CNN points out, and matches up with the account of Matt Bissonette, the third SEAL to reach the top floor of the compound. Bissonette recounted the raid in a bestselling first-hand account No Easy Day using the pseudonym Mark Owen.

 Rumors had already been swirling that Esquire had been had. CNN’s story comes a few days after the military blogger and former Navy SEAL Brandon Webb said Esquire had been duped by The Shooter in a post on his blog, The Special Operations Forces Situation Report (SOFREP). Citing anonymous SEAL operators, Webb wrote “Sorry to rain on your parade, Phil, but your guy is not the actual shooter.”

 But in addition to alleging the details of the raid was false, Webb also raises the intriguing possibility that The Shooter has been benefiting financially off his self-anointed, and apparently false, role as OBL’s assassin.

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