mardi 26 mars 2013

Mariage gai, proposition 8 et Cour suprême: le mariage gai maintenu en Californie?

 Le plus haut tribunal des États-Unis entendait ce matin les arguments pour et contre la "proposition 8" qui interdirait le mariage gai en Californie. La Cour devra d'abord se prononcer sur la validité de la cause, est-ce bien à la Cour suprême de se prononcer sur cette question? La question du mariage gai en Californie a une histoire complexe et elle soulève de nombreuses controverses...

 "The political and legal history of gay marriage in California is torturous. Proposition 8 was passed by California voters in November 2008 in response to a ruling by the state Supreme Court earlier that same year that found a right to gay marriage under the California constitution. Same-sex marriage had previously been banned by statute and by a referendum passed by the voters in 2000. Following the passage of Prop 8, the California Supreme Court ruled in 2009 that it was valid, but left intact and legal the gay marriages that had been legally performed before Prop 8 passed. Challenges to Prop 8 were filed in federal court and eventually made their way to the Supreme Court, but not before an exceptional amount of legal wrangling and further involvement by the California Supreme Court."

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