mercredi 27 mars 2013

La NRA est-elle invincible?

Petite réflexion de l'auteur sur les négociations actuelles. Lapierre et la NRA sont très puissants et déterminés, mais Obama et Biden n'auraient pas dit leur dernier mot.

 "Does all this seem like somewhat of a letdown after the terrible tragedy at Newtown? Weren’t we expecting more from our lawmakers?

 A source familiar with White House thinking told me the president is going to use his “bully pulpit” for gun control in the days ahead and Joe Biden will seriously jawbone senators when they return from their spring break.

 “It’s about intensity,” the source said. “A majority of people are for gun control in America, but the NRA has intensity. A billionaire spends money on ads, but will that change things? Senators want to know what their phones calls are like, their letters, their emails, their social media and whether people are going to town meetings. “People can still rise up. Don’t write the obit for gun control yet.”

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