jeudi 12 décembre 2013

"Flirty" Obama nous doit des excuses! L'article le plus ridicule sur le "scandale" du selfie

Dans les nombreuses dérives entourant le tristement célèbre selfie d'Obama avec David Cameron et Helle Thorning Schmidt, je crois que cet article du new York post bat tous les records!!!

 Un extrait:
 "But Thorning-Schmidt attempted to laugh off the whole thing, saying, “It was not inappropriate.’’ Not inappropriate?

Pairing a black suit and blue tie is not inappropriate. Giving your wife grounds for divorce might be seen as otherwise.

 But people won’t soon forget the escapades of the people whose salaries they pay. President Obama has some ’splaining to do. To the woman he married. To his daughters. To the people of South Africa. And to the scandalized folks here at home. He owes the world an apology.

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