mardi 15 avril 2014

Cowmageddon: shérif, vaches et agents fédéraux

Querelle au Nevada entre des propriétaire de bétail et le Bureau of Land Management autour de la question du pâturage sur les terres fédérales. Clive Bundy refuse d'acquitter des droits depuis vingt ans parce qu'il ne reconnaît pas l'autorité du gouvernement fédéral sur les terres où vont paître ses bêtes. Aujourd'hui il prétend même qu'un shérif a plus de droits que les agents fédéraux et il demande à tous les shérifs des États-Unis de désarmer les agents du gouvernement fédéral.

 "“Disarm the federal bureaucrats," Bundy said in an interview with Fox News's Sean Hannity. He had been asked to respond to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's assertion that the Bundy Ranch standoff (as it is now officially known on Wikipedia) was "not over."

 Bundy had already asked his local sheriff to arrest the BLM officials who were rounding up his cattle, but he directed his new message to "every county sheriff in the United States."

 Bundy's statement brought to the forefront a theory that some on the far right have held for decades: that local sheriffs are ordained with an immense amount of power, going beyond that of even federal authorities. In the Bundy Ranch dispute, that theory is the driving ideology of some of the groups that have rallied to the rancher's side. Those include the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and the Oath Keepers, whose members are law enforcement officials and military who have pledged to defend the Constitution against government overreach.

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