lundi 28 avril 2014

Jackie Robinson et la diversité ethnique dans le baseball majeur (PEW ResearchCenter)

Jackie Robinson changeait la visage du baseball majeur il y a 67 ans et les chiffres le prouvent. Les asiatiques et les hispanophones ont rejoint les joueurs noirs et blancs sur les losanges. Dossier sur le site du PEW Research Center.

 "Major League Baseball’s racial diversity today roughly mirrors that of the U.S. population. In 2012, whites comprised about the same share of the population (63%) as they did in Major League Baseball, according to the most recent comparable data. By contrast, Hispanics were overrepresented in baseball, comprising 26.9% of players and 17% of the U.S. population. (When Jackie Robinson debuted for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947, less than 1% of players were Latino.)

In 2012, blacks were underrepresented in baseball, making up 7.2% of players and 13% of the nation’s population. Asians made up 1.9% of players in 2012 and 5% of the U.S. population. In 1993, there were no Asians in Major League Baseball, according to the baseball research group.

 It’s worth noting that the majority of Asian (80%) and Hispanic (84%) players in 2012 were born outside the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia (i.e. foreign born or born in a U.S. territory like Puerto Rico), according to the Society for American Baseball Research.

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