mercredi 4 juin 2014

Fly-by: un jet Russe met en danger un avion militaire américain

Une scène tirée d'une suite de Top gun? Non, le Département de la défense rend public cette information au sujet d'une démonstration qui aurait pu être dangereuse pour l'équipage américain. Une retombée du conflit en Ukraine?

 "The Russian aircraft turned and "showed its belly" to the U.S. crew so they could see it was armed with missiles, a U.S. military official said Tuesday.

 The United States did not originally discuss or reveal the incident publicly because it chose to deal with it privately with Russian officials, the military official said. Earlier in April, U.S. officials said a Russian fighter jet made a dozen low-altitude passes over the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea.

On April 28, a Russian Defense Ministry statement said Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu and U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel had discussed both incidents during a phone call that day.

In response, the statement said, Shoygu "offered to instruct the commanders in chief of the armed forces of both countries to discuss possible additional measures to address the interests of both countries to prevent future misperceptions of actions."

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