mardi 10 juin 2014

Richard Nixon a-t-il saboté les négociations de paix au Vietnam en 1968? Oui selon un ancien membre de son équipe

Tom Charles Huston a reconnu que des conseillers de Nixon ont fait parvenir un message au gouvernement sud-vietnamien pour lui faire miroiter une meilleure entente avec une administration Nixon que qu'il était en mesure d'obtenir de l'administration Johnson en place en 1968. Si aucun écrit ou aucun enregistrement ne subiste pour incriminer plus directement Nixon, Huston révèle que le directeur de la campagne de Nixon,John Mitchell, était directement impliqué.

 "Like many of Nixon’s actions, this particular transgression was born of paranoia. As the 1968 election approached, Nixon and his aides feared that Johnson would try to help the Democratic nominee—Vice President Hubert Humphrey—by staging an October surprise. When LBJ announced to the nation, just days before the balloting, that he was calling a halt in the bombing of North Vietnam to help fuel progress in ongoing peace talks, the Republicans thought their fears were realized.

Anna Chennault, a Republican activist with ties to the South Vietnamese government, sent word to Saigon that it would get better terms if Humphrey lost and Nixon took office, the FBI would discover. The South Vietnamese dragged their feet, infuriating LBJ who, in a taped conversation released by the Johnson presidential library several years ago, can be heard denouncing Nixon for “treason.”

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