lundi 2 juin 2014

Sergent Bowe Bergdahl: le prisonnier de la discorde

Un peu plus tôt aujourd'hui je mentionnais la réaction de Sarah Palin à la libération du prisonnier de guerre américain. Mme Palin dénoncait le manque de patriotisme de Bergahl, mais ils sont de plus en plus nombreux à dénoncer l'échange de prisonniers qui permet à l'américain de retrouver la liberté. Pour permettre à l'américain de rentrer au pays, les États-Unis ont libéré cinq détenus de Guantanamo. de plus, Bergahl serait un déserteur. En utilisant les pouvoirs de l'Exécutif Obama est-il allé trop vite et trop loin?

 "The escalating attacks on the deal were given new fuel by fresh reports that Bergdahl may have deserted.

“Bergdahl was a deserter, and soldiers from his own unit died trying to track him down,” Nathan Bradley Bethea, who served in Bergdahl’s battalion, wrote in a Daily Beast story. Bethea’s report said Bergdahl disappeared from his battalion in the middle of the night.

CNN cited a member of the soldier’s platoon who said he was “pissed off” at Bergdahl. “Bowe Bergdahl deserted during a time of war and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him,” the sergeant said.

On Monday, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon added that he felt the president “broke the law” under the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act by not informing Congress 30 days in advance about the release of detainees from Guantanamo Bay.

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