jeudi 2 octobre 2014

Ebola: le patient du Texas a été en contact avec une centaine de personnes

On peut aisément comprendre l'émoi suscité par ce premier cas d'infection aux États-Unis, surtout si on considère quelques cafouillages dans la gestion de la situation.

 ""We are working from a list of about 100 potential or possible contacts and will soon have an official contact tracing number that will be lower," Texas Department of State Health Services spokeswoman Carrie Williams said in a statement. "Out of an abundance of caution, we're starting with this very wide net, including people who have had even brief encounters with the patient or the patient's home. The number will drop as we focus in on those whose contact may represent a potential risk of infection."​

Dallas County Health and Human Services Director Zachary Thompson said that these people are not being watched or monitored and are not showing any symptoms of the illness. Only the immediate family members of the victim are being regularly monitored for Ebola symptoms; they've been ordered to stay at home and avoid contact with others.

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